Barcelona Performing Arts Festival
February 15- 25 2024
12th edition

ibeyí-abikú: el volar de las luciérnagas

iki yos piña i Alex Medina
22 h. (20 min.)
Mercat de les Flors
Free admission with reservation

Maroon — fugitive. caribbean, writer, performer, artist. She researches anti-colonial archives and sexual dissidence, black memories of the Caribbean, of spirituality, of ancient times. She is part of the Ayllu collective, the Periferia Cimarrona cooperative and Espacio Afro’s experimental group for black radical thought, In the Wake. She has contributed to publications such as No existe sexo sin racialización (Colectivo Ayllu, 2017), Devuélvanos el oro (colectivo Ayllu, 2018), (h)amor6 trans (Contintametienes, 2021) Futuro ancestral (Pensare Cartonera, 2022) and others. Her creations form part of the collection of the Museo Reina Sofia (Madrid). She has participated in the Biennale of Sydney (Australia, 2020), Frestas Art Triennial (Brazil, 2021), Kochi-Muziris Biennale (India, 2022) and São Paulo Biennial (Brazil, 2023). She has recently participated in exhibitions such as El terremoto está intacto at Fundación Miró’s Espai 13 (Barcelona, 2023) and Anti-Futurismo Cimarrón with the Ayllu collective at Virreina Centro de la Imatge (Barcelona, 2023). This performance is made in collaboration with Alex Madna (La Sudanesa). Singer, performer and sorceress of Sudanese origin, based in Madrid, Alex has been part of several stagings in Madrid and Barcelona. Alex links the sonority of the yembé with vocal spells that envelop the audience in an atmosphere of time travel. 


The mantle of darkness is a protective shield, safeguarding the lives of the fireflies. Luminous bodies that communicate with each other to stay alive, together, safe and hidden in the darkness, protected from the devastating machinery of their lives. These creatures emit sonorities that dance time in all of life and death’s planes of existence. The fireflies whisper, scream their pain and dissent from this world that is against them. The fireflies disappear. The fireflies fly to other, complicit universes in a constant movement of multiple existences, of an eternal rebirth, of the disappearance of one and the appearance of another. This is an invitation to feel and cross chronosophical portals of bodies in flight, of bodies born to dismantle this colonial world. 


Creation and direction: iki yos piña narváez funes